• +(62) 858-5555-2346

Anda berkeinginan untuk memiliki sebuah website?
Kami berikan one stop solution untuk anda hanya dengan IDR 1.500.000,- sebuah website sudah bisa anda dapatkan


Rp. 100.000,-

starting price / month
  • 1GB Storage
  • 10GB Bandwidth
  • WHM/CPanel
  • Free Transfer

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Rp. 190.000,-

starting price / month
  • 15GB Storage
  • 150GB Bandwidth
  • Data Center US / IIX
  • 512MB RAM

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Rp. 1.300.000,-

starting price / month
  • Intel Xeon E3-1220LV2
  • Dual 1TB HDDs in RAID 1
  • 4GB RAM

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WorldWide Hosting

to meet the needs of our customers, we put our servers in multiple Data Centers in the world (Dallas, Singapore, NIX Data Center)

24x7 Live Support

Our Teams are dedicated for giving Our Client the best services. In order to achieve that goals, we are placing the right man in the right place

Worry-Free Site Transfers

We are Using the best technology in Web Hosting Industry, That why you do not need to worry for transfering your site to Us

Web Hosting Control Panel

CPanel is one of Web Hosting Manager that apply in most of Web Hosting Company. By this CPanel, end user have capability to maintain ther website

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